lily jade co. 'shaylee' - the mother of all diaper bags
All of us moms have been there. The toddler who is hungry and is showing the beginning signs of what might turn into an epic tantrum. That single applesauce pouch that you KNOW you put in your bag a mere two days earlier. You dig. And dig. And find the mini Brown Bear book, hand sanitizer, 8 lipsticks.... but NO APPLESAUCE. Fast-forward 24 hours and one public meltdown later... and you see it. Wedged to the side between some wipes and your water bottle. You shake your head... laugh (because that's just how it goes sometimes), and think... there's gotta be a better way.
Well, friends, I'm proud to say I've cracked the messy-diaper-bag code. And it comes in the form of a Lily Jade Co. bag called the Shaylee. Lily Jade generously sent me this diaper bag to review - but the opinions and thoughts I'll be sharing are all my own. I only review or test out products that I would purchase myself, and strive to be as honest and transparent as possible when doing so!
So, on to the review. I'm going to touch on three of the bag's stand-out features.
1 2 - P O C K E T O R G A N I Z E R
This is my third Lily Jade Co. bag. Their diaper bags can also serve as purses, with removable 12-pocket organizers that fit perfectly inside. This makes switching from one LJC bag to another SUPER simple because I can just remove the organizer by its handles and drop it in my next bag. It also makes converting back to a purse for a concert or date night very convenient because I can just remove the organizer and leave it with Grandma, Dad, or whoever else will be taking care of Ava while I'm away.
This is the main feature that drew me to this brand in the first place. Carrying a (usually heavy) diaper bag is something most moms grow accustomed to. Heck, we've been carrying heavy purses on one side of our bodies for YEARS before kids. But with a toddler, I am constantly bending over, kneeling down and stretching across the back of my car to get Ava into her car seat. Nothing is more irritating than when your heavy bag slips off your shoulder! Being able to have my purse on my back, with both hands free is a total game changer for me. I even FEEL less stressed mentally because my arms are free to hold my baby and more often than not, chase her around, unencumbered.
Lily Jade uses only full grain leather for their bags - which means it's the highest quality leather available. I had to do a little research on the term "full grain" but it essentially means that the leather hasn't been sanded down, and the top layer of the leather hide is fully intact. If a manufacturer were to alter this top layer of hide in any way, you'd end up with top grain, corrected grain or genuine leather.
So, long story short, the quality of this bag is outstanding and the leather is extremely durable. The bag pictured is in the color 'Brandy', but I also have the Madeline bag in the slightly lighter 'camel'.
I am so happy with the Shaylee diaper bag, and will continue to recommend it to all the mamas I know who need to easily locate that emergency applesauce pouch and look fashionable while doing it.
Jeans | VICI
Sweater | VICI