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easter with our modern family

I have really been looking forward to Easter this year. I am and always have been a total holiday nerd -- dying Easter eggs as an adult woman, living in an apartment with my boyfriend (now husband), not a child in sight. Making each other Easter baskets because I love holiday traditions and Jordan, well Jordan loves me so he would go along with it ;). But now that we have a little one-year-old, I get to make the Holidays special for HER, so she grows up with that nostalgic feeling I get every time this time of year rolls around.

This year felt especially special, because we got to celebrate with our big, imperfectly perfect family. My Dad has remarried, and lucky for me, I inherited two amazing sisters and one hell-of-a step-mom. One sister has two young children of her own, and the other recently married Jordan's long-time friend from high school. Add to that, my awesome mother-in-law and cousins on Jordan's side who also happen to have young kids, live across the street from us and have become our good friends... and you got one awesome and kiddy-filled Easter. Did you follow all that? You didn't have to... moral of the story is through divorce, some heart-ache, old friendships and a couple new love stories, we wound up with a bigger family, lots of grand-babies, and 10x the love.

Jordan's cousin Morgan (above) and I had our baby girls three weeks apart!

We took some Easter photos of Ava and her cousins Audrey and Connor (Ava and Audrey wearing matching dresses sewn by my Step-Mom), and I just love how they came out! Some of my favorites are mixed in with the fun pictures of our day!

My step-mom planned boat-loads of activities, games and crafts for the kids -- there was even an egg decorating station in the back yard!

It was one of those special weekends that make you grateful for the love you have and excited for the upcoming holidays we get to spend with our sweet little girl!

My dress is from My Sister's Closet Boutique - an adorable online boutique with so many cute dresses it's hard to pick just one! I have been LOVING horizontal stripes lately, so I was drawn to this powder blue and white striped cotton dress. I loved the little brown button detail down the front, and it was the perfect length for kneeling down and helping the babies do their first Easter Egg hunt!

*Family photos by Vanessa Faraone


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